Go play outside!

by Brenda

How many times were we told, as kids, to go outside and play? A recent New York Times article cited several studies which showed improved performance from exercising outdoors, rather than inside. Participants of all ages enjoyed their workouts more and experienced greater physical benefit from the same exercise. Wind resistance and natural surfaces add enough challenge to take any exercise routine to the next level. Fresh air and sunshine just make everything better.??????????

Don’t have an exercise “routine”? Start off by stepping outside. Bluebonnets and Indian Blankets are popping up everywhere in the soon-to-be lush fields, and oaks and other trees are sprouting new, bright green leaves. The fresh Spring air may just lure you, as it did me, to go farther than expected, discovering hidden treasures like this pink-tinged lily blooming in the tough weeds on the edge of a cow pasture.


Nature parks are an amazing resource for exploring numerous trails available for all ability levels. From a short morning stroll with the children to a weekend backpacking trip, it can all be found around Texas’ rivers and wildlands. Check out LCRA’s great network of well-maintained, friendly parks for ideas on where to find walking and hiking spots of all types, and even places to perfect that yoga pose. You really don’t need any special equipment or a plan; just grab a good pair of walking shoes and a bottle of water to improve your health and mental wellness, right now. Do whatever sounds fun: walk, bike, run, hike – go play outside!